Start to demand a new change in Legislation of the Life. This, with certainty, would be the first one, but it would have others also FROM TODAY ON IS INTENTIONALLY: – that the parents never more will have that to embed its children; – that he will not have more hunger in the world (nor of foods, nor of affection); – that it is forbidden to the banalizao human being; – that the pleasure and the joy cannot more being originated through pain and humilhao of somebody; – that the human being does not have more headquarters and curiosity regarding catastrophes,> tragedies, blood and tears; – that never if abandons an aged one, a child or a deficient one, for more not bringing profits for the society (and nor under no hypothesis and reason); – that the permission of people without no sensitivity is forbidden, ahead of the impact that one human being cause in another one, to exert professions as: social doctors, priests, psychologists, assistants, professors, lawyers and POLITICIANS; – that he has a specific battlefield where only the great heads of states and murderous they promoted wars and slaughters between they themselves, without wounding plus no innocent; – that no individual or group obtains to violate a nation, a city, a home, a body, a culture; – that it is forbidden to any media to have the power of banalizar pain and the love; – that it ahead does not have more room of pain, humilhao and lie; – that the sexual act is differentiated and distinguished from the collective masturbation; – that duendes, fairies, elfos, salamanders, ondinas and the personages mdiuns ; – that the angels can be seen and be heard by all without age distinction, sex, race or religion and that they become our professors; – that the friendships and the loves start to be, really, perpetual; – that never more it is felt in the distance of that is to less of one meter of us; – that the human being can read and talk in all the dialects (also in its proper one), with real understanding and fluency; – that, from now, pains will have date of validity and its stated periods never will be able to exceed one year. I perceive, then, that this my decree list new is so infinite how much the Universe and you, which would be its claims?
Business Pal
Town Lagoon
The quarrel on the importance of the reading has led professional, studious and governing to be uneasy ahead of results estarrecedores as presented for the Brazil Test, IDEB, ENEM, Saeb, amongst others. As if it knows reading is not only the act to decode the codes lingusticos or of more specific form the significant one. Reading goes much more beyond. It is necessary that the pupil is taken to understand the meaning of what they leem. But, without the practical one of the reading, this agreement becomes almost impossible.
One notices that private texts of direction are deliver to the pupils and this has led to the entorpecimento of the lingustica ability of the same ones. To reach the literal understanding is necessary to become a reader in potential, however, it perceives that the meaningless and descontextualizados use of sorts has blocked this development. This work, a priori, objective to insert the sort news article in the pertaining to school environment of the Municipal School Teacher Francisca de S with the pupils of 8 year, understanding that the same it has much to add to education. The above-mentioned educational establishment bes situated in the Town Lagoon of the Return in Port of Leaf-IF. The use of this didactic material is defended as being a motivador element of the reading and, according to Smith apud Eurdice of the Conceio Tobias, ' ' the reading is more easy when the reader considers the material significativo' '. Although it presents a certain degree of difficulty due to formality with which this sort is elaborated, the approach with the social reality and politics of the pupil will make possible that it interacts thinking, arguing and being an agent in the construction of its learning. 5 the use of this didactic material news article – come back toward the interest of the pupil ally to the discursivos knowledge it really propitiates the development of reading abilities.
Formation River
The Formation River Clearly, constitutes one of importanes more cenozicos sedimentary registers of the So Paulo Peripheral Depression, showing litologias with aflorantes maximum thicknesses around of 30m. It is constituted by predominantly arenaceous sediments, with argillaceous intercalations, that occur in the region of the city of River Claro-SP, whose age has been located between Miocene and the Pleistocene. Although the formation is known and has been object of diverse litoestratigrficos studies, its paleobotnico content only was mentioned or registered photographically, but without many descriptive details of its floristica composition, saved in the area of Jaguarina (SP). The registered fossilferas occurrences in literature since the decade of 60, mention outcrops with vegetal remaining portions of botanical affinities not very established well with Nymphaeaceae and Potomogetonaceae, capsules of Musci, oognios of carfitas, pteridfitas and leves to it of not-identified angiospermas and thus, lacks of a study more detailed and deepened in the direction of better identification of all the organisms that lived in the region in the Negeno period. The outcrops of the Formation River Clearly, are spread by the city homnima as well as for neighboring cities. Recently, a new outcrop fitofossilferos, referring to fcies argillaceous of flooding plain was identified in the quarter Mountain range d' Water, next the road that binds to River the Ajap Clearly (22graus, 21' 13,74' ' of latitude S and 47graus, 35' 46,15' ' of longitude) where vestiges had been found that indicate the presence of a new occurrence of vegetal fsseis. The sprouting and identification of a new outcrop, allow a deeper analysis of the formation and assist in the understanding of the factors that had been gifts in its process of sedimentation. Word-key: Paleobotnica, Formation River Clearly, Quarter Mountain range d' Water, Negeno.