The mouth is one of the most important parts of the body, because through it meets one of the vital functions more important that ingestion of food, in addition to this is the image of the mouth expresses much of one person since denture reflects the habits of care and cleaning people have. The oral care point located the subject in an activity that focuses its action to promote the health of the mouth and therefore the teeth and other items that can be found in this part of the body, which is passed to talk brings dental is a specialty medical sharpens its study and practice as regards appliance Stomatognathic than this compound in its entirety by the teethgum, tongue, palate, oral mucosa, salivary glands and other parts that do not influence both in the bucco-dental care but that are also relevant to dentistry such as lips, Oropharynx and temporomandibular joint. As dentistry can be understood provides the ability to serve many patients aspects related with the Buco-dental health, which makes that dentistry has many aspects of application on a daily basis various needs patients, may have therefore in dentistry can be found specific development fields such as preventive dentistry or one of the modes that more strength WINS at present which is esthetic dentistryAnother modality of Dentistry of much importance for its activity and its results is dentistry. According to the previous paragraph is appropriate to mention the basic elements of these specialized areas of Dentistry:-aesthetic Dentistry: this form of dentistry is also known as cosmetic dentistry, since more than provide care in care and prevention, attends is aspects of image and the harmony and beauty of the mouth area. With esthetic dentistry very visible results can be achieved in a very short time, moreover they are treatments that do not require long hours, he is added What are processes very simple and without any pain or discomfort.
More common in this type of dentistry processes, are the dental whitening, diastema closure, reconstruction of teeth by fractures. -Preventive Dentistry: this is where most action has, since it deals with the prevention and promotion of dental health, with the idea of avoiding the presence of so many oral diseases that exist, as caries or periodontal diseases in this way are prevent in the future will have to perform dental interventions much deeper and invasive. In this type of dental fluorides are much used for teeth care. -Restorative dentistry: this specialty of dentistry is about make the teeth or more exactly the image teeth initial stays or recovers, through methods of preservation and reconstruction such as the Endodontics and restorative techniques such as fillings.