Infantile Reading
STATE OF WEEDS GROSSOSECRETARIA OF STATE OF EDUCAOESCOLA ESTADUALVINCIUS OF MORAESESTUDO DIRECTED IN LITERATURE and LETRAMENTOArtigo developed in the State School Vincius de Moraes in accordance with the Project Pedagogical Politician, of the institution. Authors: Sisters Simas Assumpo Affonso (Alfabetizao) and Tarciza Maria Blacksmith Rasp (Coordinating Pedagogical) 1.ResumoTomando for base our experience in the school supply cited where we act in order to understand the dynamics of the book reading of infantile literature, its acceptance for the children, the contact of them with the materials, the level of relation pupil/book and pupil/book pupil, at last the liberty of speech through the conviviality with the daily reading. From this moment they had been if delineating the main concepts studied and analyzed in this article, therefore one becomes necessary to appeal the authors as Magda Soares, Joo W. Geraldi, ngela Kleiman and others for definition of such concepts and with this to relate the theories to practical ours pedagogical. This is only the beginning of a dialogue opened in our colleagues, through which we wait to contribute in the taking of conscience in relation to the educandos, in addition, we wait return to improve the performance of the initiated work. That our contribution is valid for educators who I eat we they search to join educative practical theory and in a perspective of reflexiva construction for the new formation of leitores.2. Present IntroduoO article appears from our experience as teachers of School of Infantile Education when looking for to stimulate the contact of the children with books as form of initiation to the reading.
We could, in this period, to witness the fear of some teachers in mainly allowing the book manuscript for children for distrust that had damnification of the units. According to Magda Soares apud Maricato (2005, P. 18), this position of the professor to restrict the access to the book finishes making with that the pupils see the book as something flat, a time that cannot be touched.