The list of exceptions taken into account that with the requirement for originality. Jonathan Blattmachr may not feel the same. Europe came about everything from the European Union requiring that all art should be allocated across Europe with sale by the art trade full sales tax. It aims at promoting the fairness in the tax obligations for all EU Member States within the meaning of equality. The reactions of those who have the culture to the job, see them under their protection and defend heroically in daily combat, has been spread and clearly on the Internet far. The Bundestag has adopted a solution on multiple intervention as it is practiced similar in France. You can criticize the demands from Brussels to adapt well.
Culture and the arts, promoting in Europe which European politicians like to indicate your holiday speeches (for the Inferioritat of the art, the culture s.a.a.O.). So you would have to request better to drop the VAT on works of art and books quite as long they are offered as initial sales in the primary market. But all Institutions, including European, need just money, lots of money, and there just any source must be exhausted, which can be reached. Shame about the alleged loss of culture are nonsense allegations of intervening, increases the sales tax, the culture was suffering from. Otherwise you can claim one in reverse the culture have improved, because the conservative Liberal Government has reduced sales tax for hoteliers. “Art is not culture”, as people can quite believe Gottfried Benn. The art in the art business has to do anyway, not so much with the culture, as it could determine cost increases for art buyers for better or worse of the culture. Otherwise, the Kulturbeflissenen would have to complain to about the ludicrous prices at auctions “real big art” much more: pictures of Gerhard Richter or oversized balloon puppy by Jeff Koons are through speculation in the art trade so expensive now that no Museum in the auctions could bid.