When a person leaves her good ideas become bad, thus she allows that those bad ideas exist, is allowed to think that the bad opinions are the truth follows and them, behaving with I release the brakes as if he would be correct, then this is called the badness of the mind. When a person only sees the superficial part of the things and account of the real meaning of the things never occurs, it likes to speak or to listen to habladuras, to see the things closely, as if it was a horse with bandage, has superficial understanding, it does not know when it is the correct moment to advance or to back down, speaks boasting words and it makes things without restriction, all those things are called the madness of the mind. When a person retains the advantages for itself, passing the disadvantages to others; she is industrious at the outset making the things and indolent the fine one, she looks for the comfortable life and she has a chaotic mind, this happy one with the things that it likes but angry with that they displease to him all that is called the confusion of the mind. When a person pretends friendship and affection, praises to another one while beams plans to betray it, speak with irrazonables words and he is cruel in behavior, to that is called the dangerous mind. When a person reverence santa will of God because he is venerable, respects to the superior because this person is virtuous, reverence the words of the saints, is watchman of means and low intentions in a person, to these actions draws attention to him of the mind. When a person improves her inner morality, she fortifies his essence in God, in the Tao within itself, cheers up to cultivate itself according to his lessons, widens desire to do the work of tao, to this is called the cultivation of the mind..
Business Pal
United States
But, for the American president, it is possible to co-ordinate the process without they are extinct. ' ' This does not want to say that the process goes to take them it the closing or goes to eliminate them and that they will not exist mais' ' , it affirmed. In fact, the biggest American assembly plant and the second greater of the world, behind only of the Toyota Japanese, technical are broken. Its papers are considered active of highest risk and occupy the last position in the classification of the agency of rating Moody' ' s. Vergada under the weight of a US$ debt 47 billion with the pension fund of the employees and with the bond detainers, launched at the beginning of the decade, GM runs the risk even though to have to appeal the forced agreement (Chapter 11). A negotiated forced agreement, by the way, is an option seen with affection for the president of the United States, Barack Obama, in accordance with stories of assessors of the White House.
In this context, two could be created GM: the good one, formed for the assets of bigger value, and the bad one, detainer of the working liabilities and the debt with investors. But exactly the dollars and the disposal of the government in rescuing the GM of the hole can not be enough to keep the foot company. The economic crisis reached the Americans in such way that the question is not that car mark they go to buy, but yes resources for such will be had. In March, the sales of the sector had continued the fall trajectory. GM was the one that more suffered, registering jib of 45% in relation the equal period of 2008.
Platform more critical than the numbers presented for the rivals Ford (- 41%), Toyota (- 39%), Chrysler (- 39%) and Honda (- 36%). Expectation is that packages of stimulaton, that includes an insurance that quits a part of the financing in case that the customer loses the job, helps to revert this trend. In recent years, good part of the sales in the United States if had concentrated in utilitarian esportivos (known for acronym SUV) and picapes robust. Inadequate models for a period in which the average consumer sees the unemployment beating its door and the price of the gasoline in the heights. Already it is consensus enters the analysts who GM was victim of its proper gigantismo, to if accomodating in the market leadership, for opting in continuing investing in models far from preference of the consuming after-crisis, at last for giving up to innovate. Now it is to wait that the destination of GM is determined not for the actions of its executives and yes for the thought of the bureaucrats of Washington. It is seems that nobody is great excessively to break, already said the employees of the Lehmann Brothers Bibliography: Periodical the State of So Paulo, edition 42,168 of 31 of March of 2009Revista That is Money, edition 600 of 08 of April of 2009Revista of the Week, edition 82 of 09 of April of 2009
Last Week
07 of March – the American magazine Forbes divulged its list of the men richest of the world. The economic crisis pushed 332 formerones for is of the roll. In ranking current, Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, Carlos Slim exceeded the Mexican magnate and came back to the top: richness esteem in US$ 40 billion. German prince Albert von Thurn und Taxis, 25 years, is the youngest bilionrio of the world. Bilhes.07 of March has 2.1 US$ – two English soldiers had been died in an ambush close to Belfast – Ireland it North. Hours later an Irish policeman were assassinated the shots.
The attempted against ones had been demanded by opponents of the ANGER (Irish Republican Army), separatista militant group that deps the weapons in 1997.10 of March – divulged that Senate paid at least R$ 6,2 million in overtime for 3.883 employees in January, month where the House was in recess and when it did not have sessions, meetings and no parliamentary activity. The authorization of the payment was made by senator Efraim Morais (DEM-PB) three days before it leaving the command of the first-secretariat, agency of the responsible Managing Table for the administrative management. Beyond the overtime, the direction of the House granted readjustment of 111% in the benefit. The ceiling went up of R$ 1,250 for R$ 2,641, 93,10 of March – about 6,5 mi mulhers on ones the without-land movements, as the Way Campesina and MST, had unchained estaados actions of protest in eight last week. They had invaded the Ministry of Agriculture in Brasilia, quieimaram logs of eucalipto of the Valley in the Maranho, had occupied lands of the Votorantim in the Rio Grande Do Sul, had made unusable tons of cellulose of the Aeacruz in the Espirito Santo. They complained of the lack of mount of money for familiar agriculture, of the model of commodities and the slowness in the reform agrria.10 of March – the Tibetans had remembered the 50 years of raise that he killed 86 a thousand people and he took Dalai Lama to the exile in India.