Most Russian Managers Do Not Speak Foreign Languages

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Published on: November 13, 2015

33% of Russian leaders and the same number of entrepreneurs are fluent in at least one foreign language, are the conclusions of the survey by the Levada Center, which was attended by 1,600 Russians in 128 settlements of 46 regions of the country. In However, among workers with special education in foreign languages possess 18%, as many – among housewives and among the workers – 8%. Sufficiently appreciate his knowledge of foreign languages, 15% of Russians. In Moscow "Fluent in a foreign language" is almost twice that in other cities in Russia (35% vs. 15-18%), and 5 times higher than in rural areas (7%). Answered the question affirmatively about every three respondents (30%) with higher education – regardless of the position; twice as often (14%) – with special secondary, are three times less likely (8%) – with less than secondary education. More often than others declare proficiency in a language people aged 18-39 years, less the others – aged 55 years and older.

"In other words, knowledge of language is determined by the capabilities of its study (a good school and university, the availability of literature in foreign languages, high consumer status) and the frequency of its use in everyday life that is most often associated with the profession or sphere of activity ", – commented Denis Volkov, a researcher by the Levada Center. Most Russians, as always, speak English (80%) and, to a much lesser extent, German (16%) and French (4%) languages. 2% of the well-known Turkish and another 9% – other languages (the sum exceeds 100% because some of you know two or more foreign languages). For managers of Russian business language skills has become norm, since, according to Alexander Filatov, Executive Director, Independent Directors Association, the majority of Russian companies are oriented toward Anglo-American standards of corporate governance, and in many large companies are working managers, ex-pats. According to him, in some companies (for example, "Nutritek) even board meeting is conducted in English, and documents for these meetings are prepared bilingual (English and Russian).

Common Mistakes

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Published on: June 11, 2014

Not wanting to know the details of the death or think that dismally crying makes us lose the strength are just some of the topics that we try to avoid when the loss occurs more frequently of a loved one. Psychologists recommend to depart from the following errors: think that when the person dies, loses his memory the memory and emotional linkages do not disappear. They remain, and appear in the form of passengers memories or dreams. Believe that to overcome the pain we must immediately return to our daily chores should be to give us a time to reflect and to live the pain coping with the hard emotional process that involves loss. Think that we must not know the details of the death or see the body though it may be hard, know the details of the disappearance of the beloved person helps to accept the reality of the absence. Lack of information can generate confusion and unrealistic fantasies. Believe that when demonstrates anger, pain or despair it is more exposed to the depression expression of These feelings is necessary because it allows the loss to be processed and is drawn up the duel, although they can be perceived as manifestations exaggerated or own cultures or underdeveloped countries.

Consider that the affection for the absent should express with great restraint but firmness of character and fortitude, are valued in our culture must allow us to freely express the painful emotions. Undertake radical changes is not the best time to sell properties, decide to change of residence, be responsible for the grandchildren to alleviate loneliness left to pass the time before making important decisions. Keep things as when was your clothes in the same place, the room as always do shrines in memory of your loved one. You’ll always remember, and therefore, it will continue with you. Retain the ashes at home households are spaces of life, not death. Do not fall into the temptation to turn your House into a shrine. You hampering the process of mourning.

Town Lagoon

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Published on: November 14, 2013

The quarrel on the importance of the reading has led professional, studious and governing to be uneasy ahead of results estarrecedores as presented for the Brazil Test, IDEB, ENEM, Saeb, amongst others. As if it knows reading is not only the act to decode the codes lingusticos or of more specific form the significant one. Reading goes much more beyond. It is necessary that the pupil is taken to understand the meaning of what they leem. But, without the practical one of the reading, this agreement becomes almost impossible.

One notices that private texts of direction are deliver to the pupils and this has led to the entorpecimento of the lingustica ability of the same ones. To reach the literal understanding is necessary to become a reader in potential, however, it perceives that the meaningless and descontextualizados use of sorts has blocked this development. This work, a priori, objective to insert the sort news article in the pertaining to school environment of the Municipal School Teacher Francisca de S with the pupils of 8 year, understanding that the same it has much to add to education. The above-mentioned educational establishment bes situated in the Town Lagoon of the Return in Port of Leaf-IF. The use of this didactic material is defended as being a motivador element of the reading and, according to Smith apud Eurdice of the Conceio Tobias, ' ' the reading is more easy when the reader considers the material significativo' '. Although it presents a certain degree of difficulty due to formality with which this sort is elaborated, the approach with the social reality and politics of the pupil will make possible that it interacts thinking, arguing and being an agent in the construction of its learning. 5 the use of this didactic material news article – come back toward the interest of the pupil ally to the discursivos knowledge it really propitiates the development of reading abilities.

Infantile Reading

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Published on: November 21, 2012

STATE OF WEEDS GROSSOSECRETARIA OF STATE OF EDUCAOESCOLA ESTADUALVINCIUS OF MORAESESTUDO DIRECTED IN LITERATURE and LETRAMENTOArtigo developed in the State School Vincius de Moraes in accordance with the Project Pedagogical Politician, of the institution. Authors: Sisters Simas Assumpo Affonso (Alfabetizao) and Tarciza Maria Blacksmith Rasp (Coordinating Pedagogical) 1.ResumoTomando for base our experience in the school supply cited where we act in order to understand the dynamics of the book reading of infantile literature, its acceptance for the children, the contact of them with the materials, the level of relation pupil/book and pupil/book pupil, at last the liberty of speech through the conviviality with the daily reading. From this moment they had been if delineating the main concepts studied and analyzed in this article, therefore one becomes necessary to appeal the authors as Magda Soares, Joo W. Geraldi, ngela Kleiman and others for definition of such concepts and with this to relate the theories to practical ours pedagogical. This is only the beginning of a dialogue opened in our colleagues, through which we wait to contribute in the taking of conscience in relation to the educandos, in addition, we wait return to improve the performance of the initiated work. That our contribution is valid for educators who I eat we they search to join educative practical theory and in a perspective of reflexiva construction for the new formation of leitores.2. Present IntroduoO article appears from our experience as teachers of School of Infantile Education when looking for to stimulate the contact of the children with books as form of initiation to the reading.

We could, in this period, to witness the fear of some teachers in mainly allowing the book manuscript for children for distrust that had damnification of the units. According to Magda Soares apud Maricato (2005, P. 18), this position of the professor to restrict the access to the book finishes making with that the pupils see the book as something flat, a time that cannot be touched.

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