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Published on: May 4, 2016

This face wrinkled in the mirror is not mine. Nor these tortos and doloridos fingers are mine. I am not that I interrogate myself concerning what I made of wrong. Nor I am these slow and irregular gestures. Everything this that if it shows as if is I simply is not. As many voices are others that I go recognizing to the few. One of them is of my grandmother who cried out for my mother.

Another one is of my mother already with the slipper in the hand. Before these voices it had others that sleep in the esquecimento of the times. Aflitas, lost, sultry voices. Tired voices to the side of the river that ran without stopping. Hands to roll bread and to nail button. This face wrinkled in the mirror is the neighbor of my mother. That one that we saw to leave secretely when went down the night.

This perfume that incendeia to my was given me spirit by the blacks of my grandfather. I more learned with them to be than a face in the mirror. I learned with them to leave itself to lead for the tambores that make my heart to beat. I am all they. I am my grandmother and my mother I am the neighbor, the blacks, the teacher who did not marry. I am the dancer tapeworm of the glassware, the laundrywoman, all the saints and all putas. I am woman!

The Western Church

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Published on: October 22, 2015

According to Catholic understanding, the marriage is one of the seven sacraments. In other words: refers to as a special character not only on the beyond reality of God, but in it the reality of God is here on Earth expressed. Specifically the love of God to the people or the relationship of Christ to the Church is reflected in the love of the conjugal partnership. Because the Covenant of God with the people is irrevocable, even the marriage is considered to be indissoluble. But what has joined God, that man should not separate”it is said in the Gospels. This indissolubility of marriage is today legally regulated in paragraphs (canons) of the Catholic code of Canon law (in the 1983 Codex iuris canonici). You must not even be theologian to understand the importance of an absolutely valid (marriage) agreement. “So for example the philosopher Immanuel Kant through his categorical imperative and the designs is in perpetual peace” attention to the problems of subject promise: when not everyone fully really maintain its contracts intends sense of absurdity of contracts and stands on the possibility of the promise.

The reform opponents see therefore in any easing threatens the value of marriage. Pastoral is a low prior to find, but in clearly defined areas but also with them. On the other hand, first of all, reformers take the failure of people and offered merciful dealing with them in the eyes, without wanting to put the value of the marriage in question. Also they can rely on the Bible and the practice of the Church. So the Church itself for this reason in the course of history has formulated always exceptions and special arrangements, the remarriage speaks today hardly anyone to allow the original prohibition of divorce (!). The Western Church has been especially so-called marriage invalidity in the views. Here is if the first marriage may not even came and the marriage contract as null and void can be explained checked on the basis of contract law considerations.

Spiritual Practice

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Published on: April 30, 2015

Bernard Glassman: Bear witness. Buddhism as a committed life, edition steinrich 2012 Bernard Glassman, Zen master, and author, lives and teaches an extraordinary Buddhist practice. We are used to thinking about meditation seminars to retreat to places of silence and tranquility, involving external offers ideal conditions the participating to get inside to rest. Not that Bernard Glassman: he goes with his retreats deliberately places where misery was experienced or will, and he wants to transform his work. The retreats in Auschwitz-Birkenau are a major challenge for all involved, because none of us can deny the deep painful experiences that have happened, there.

Especially since many participating have a personal concern. But succeeds Glassman and others with his courage, his determination and his compassion, to look at the suffering, to recognize and transform. He reported how these retreats will expire and what experiences he and many participants have, in the book. It is very touching to read, such as the people in Auschwitz feel first pure terror and in the course of the retreat, healing happens. One evening, a Frenchman said that, what moved the hearts of many participants and participants. Michel Dubois had lost his relatives here.

The visit to this place was a sad and painful re-encounter with these people for him. But with the growing pains, which he felt was also his joy and love. He said he got the feeling of the souls who resided at this place, love go out. And this is indeed: love radiates from Auschwitz and Birkenau. This love has brought us together here. The differences that existed between us, no longer separated us. The initial silence and the feelings of fear and anger had turned into harmony, humor and a sense of deep appreciation of ourselves and all other attendees. We were a family become “, we read in the part about Auschwitz. The Strassenretreats are another part of his practice. This means that he is with a group of people for a certain period of time on the road goes, there lives, begs and stayed in homeless shelters. When he started to build apartments for the homeless and to provide them with work opportunities, he wanted to learn unity with the people on the street. To do so he had to have lived however, even on the road. How these retreats run, what it means to live, what the patient is experiencing and how they feel treated as outcasts, deliberately on the road of which Glassman writes very impressively. And we know how he founded the peacemaker order as the order of the peace philanthropy and what its goals are and how he and the participants put it. It is a book by someone who lives what he teaches, going deep and even with humor. Glassman can press down never from suffering, but he’s looking for ways, so it can heal and transform. There are unusual ways of practice that can work but also unusual healing. In addition, they are never out of touch, but always quite suitable for everyday use.

Darcy Ribeiro

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Published on: November 26, 2012

Much more for the terrible misery the one that had been shot (RIBEIRO, 1995 p.221). The fight for the freedom, then, was only the first step for the attainment of the racial equality, therefore racism already guided the Brazilian society after the abolition and, in this direction, it affirms Ribeiro (1995, P. 200): ' ' the fight most arduous of the African black and its Brazilian descendants was, still is, the conquest of a place and a legitimate participant paper in the society nacional' '. For Darcy Ribeiro (1995), the current Brazilian ruling classes, made of descendants of old gentlemen of slaves, the same keep for the blacks vile disdain of long ago. The blacks continue being seen as the culprits of its proper disasters, which were and still they are explained as characteristic of the race and not as resulted of the slavery and the oppression. This deturpada vision is also assimilated by the mulatos even for the blacks that obtain to ascend socially, which if adds to the contingent white to discriminate the black mass. In this direction, it is necessity to stand out that exactly when the black revolt against its equal ones, this happens in result of the discrimination imposed for the white. In other words, the black starts to suffer for not being white, in the measure where the white man strap of the black all value, all originalidade, all humanity.

thus, so that the white recognizes the humanity of the black, this tries to become white. ' ' The inferiorizao is the native correlato of the superiorizao … has courage to say: She is the racist who creates inferiorizado' '. (FANON, 1983, P. 78). In this direction, it affirms Ana Clia Da Silva, the esteretipos, the partial representation and minimized of the reality, they lead the estereotipado one and representing, to a large extent, to the auto-rejection, the construction of low-esteem, to the rejection to resembled its, leading it the search of the represented values as universal, in the illusion to become that one another one and to become free themselves of the domination and inferiorizao.

America Workmanship

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Published on: November 10, 2012

He wrote: ' ' Culture and Opulence of Brazil for its Drogas and Minas' '. Notadamente it speaks very on the economy in the start of the Sc. XVIII, of the mines, the tobacco, the alcohol, the sugar, etc. Also he speaks on the high cost of living in virtue of the discoveries of the other. It is an description-informative literature. 2.Nuno Marques Pear tree (Bahia 1652-Lisbon 1728) Was the first one to try to create a Brazilian romance, however its workmanship is still an informative work. It wrote: Narrative compendium of the Pilgrim of America. In this book it weaves a commentary on a pilgrim in its andanas for the captainships.

It is a moralista, full workmanship of sermes. 3.' ' Dialogue of the Largenesses of the Brasil' ' (1618) Work whose author still is unknown. It is a set of six dialogues in which, the author, Brandnio, a great expert reveals of Brazil, also defending it. The workmanship is attributed the Ambrsio Fernandes Brando, Portuguese, gentleman of device. The dialogue already shows to a proper style and sufficient fluente. 4.Pe.Al exandre Gusmo – School of Belm, Adventures of Digenes: 5.Pe.Ba rtolomeu Loureno de Gusmo (Inventor of the Aerostat) – Sermes, Some ways to deplete without people the vessels that make water. 6.Matias Aires- Reflections on the vanity of the men. 7.10.POESIA BAROQUE – POETS AND WORKMANSHIPS: We notice Baroque characteristics in the poetry of Blessed Teixeira, that follows the camoniana line.

He arrives to copy entire verses of Cames. We only know of the publication of Prosopopia, however some workmanships have been attributed to it. Beyond Blessed Teixeira, other poets had imitated Cames and other poets of the Europe, but already he had the predominance of the nativista feeling of the Brazilian people. They had used to advantage the values of the land: the landscape, the people, the region.

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