I decided to write again about the scam. At this time about the main points of their calculations in the first place. After a lot of "respectable sites" make you a very interesting proposals, to abandon that very difficult. Here's an example offer a base of companies that pay for participating in surveys of some 10 dollars, but on their promises you the same amount in one day earn. Well then resist, especially if you've recently started using the Internet. But there is many factors that will indicate to you that the site is not honest, and to put it mildly, questionable.
So, finally we list all the things on which you should pay attention. Domain and hosting. I talked with one lohotronschikom here. He offered me join the business "with a guaranteed income from $ 100 a day. " There he is "working" somewhere in the three months, which is why he can not find 30 rubles per month for hosting and especially to 150 rubles per year per domain. Consider themselves – to give hundred rubles a year with a minimum daily wage for about two and a half thousand rubles, not everyone can. It's expensive! Domain age is another important point. If the domain is less than 3 months you'll probably want to wait with participation – in three months will reveal whether the pyramid is unlikely. Site. If a person really makes a lot of money then it is not difficult to pay half the daily wage for a good site, because he claims he received "60 dollars from each registration.