The Number

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Published on: November 12, 2012

However, an exponential growth cannot stay until the infinite, that is to say, has to exist a called limit ceiling or limit of saturation; admitted east limit, Price postulated that the growth of science has form of logistic curve. Law of the productivity of the authors Lotka demonstrated that the relation works/author follows a constant behavior under certain circumstances. This law determines that starting off of a number of authors with a single work on a determined subject, it is possible to predict the number of authors with n works by means of the following formula: A (n) = K/n2 Nevertheless, not only one is to analyze the number of authors of a determined period, but to locate to the most productive authors. One concludes that as increases the number of works, the number of authors will fall. Dispersion law of scientific Literature This law takes care of the study of the dispersion of scientific Literature.

Bradford realised numerous studies statistical and it obtained the conclusion that concentrate in a reduced number of magazines exists a number of scientific works on a certain subject, which as well, can be distributed in several concentric zones of decreasing productivity. That is to say, if we consulted specialized Literature we observed that a number of works grouped in a small number of magazines exists called " ncleo". If we want to reclaim the same number of articles will be necessary a much greater number of magazines, and so on. The formulated graphical representation is: 1: n: n2 Bibliomtricos indicators Indicators of production These indicators are based on the scientific publication count. They are easiest to use and they provide information to us on the characteristics of the analyzed units. The number of publications is a reasoned measurement of the scientific activity, but not of the scientific progress.

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