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Published on: March 15, 2016

Distinction is made so in particular, how often, help is needed. The classification by the so-called “medical service of health insurance fund” (MDK) takes place for an insured person in the statutory health insurance (GKV). Also medical experts used in the private health insurance (PKV), which make an appropriate classification. What services can I expect? Differences must be first of all, whether the elderly can reside at home and maintained by family members or a mobile maintenance service, or if already an inpatient care is necessary. This may require 1 or 2 in the levels of care, if for example is timed or not possible due to spatial separation for family members, the elderly in his apartment can keep living. In the case of stationary recording in one Nursing home costs are paid monthly up to 1.825 EUR 1,023 EUR (level I), 1.279 EUR (level 2), 1,510 EUR (level 3) or in cases of special hardship. In supplies at home, the services of EUR 440 (level 1) move up to 1,510 EUR (level 3). Maintain relatives, so he can decide to Pfegende for a nursing allowance.

This amounts to 225 EUR (level 1), 430 EUR (level 2) and 685 EUR (level 3). Read the entire sentences and their placement in my blog post to increase the care services 01 01 2010. Because the supply is sufficient, or where does the rest come from? What costs so a stationary place, depends on various factors. Location and facilities of the care home are such factors, but also further offers, special room requests, etc. play a role.

Eventually want to the Pfegebedurftigen at the age a so beautiful as any life lead. The care Navigator of the AOK is to check what are the costs in your area, on. There, simply enter your postcode or a place and get a list of nursing homes.

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